Monday, December 15, 2008


How cool is this?? I get off work and it is snowing. The further west I go the heavier it is and this is what I find when I get home. So pretty and makes it seem more like Christmas!!


West and Darci said...

Marlee is saying, "Let's go to grandma's house and play in the snow! Come on lets go!"

Courtney and Dorothy said...

Boy this is the year for snow. We are in Salem and it rarely snows here but they just got about 6 inches and the whole city just shut down. It was the worst drive up here we have ever had. We got side swiped by a car but didn't do any damage to our car only the rim on the tire. Amazing. We didn't even go off the road but the car that hit us went down into a snow bank. We got stopped for 1 hour 2 different times for snow problems. It took 16 hours to get to Salem. We are not looking forward to the ride home. Good to see you have snow for once. ha ha ha ha ha

Amy S. said...

Enjoy it! I won't hold my breath for snow in Phoenix......